Please note that email addresses must be verified and any addresses with plus signs (“+”) are not eligible. If you have a school-issued email, select (or add it).Under “Which best describes your academic status?”, select Student.Visit GitHub Education and click Get benefits in the top-right corner.
How to apply for the GitHub Student Developer Pack

This could be a dated student ID, a current registration document, a time-stamped screenshot of your school portal, a letter on school letterhead confirming you are a currently-registered student, etc. If your school doesn’t issue email, or we do not consider your school’s email sufficient to demonstrate your current academic status, then we will ask for a different form of proof. Submitting a school-issued email address is preferred because once we verify that the domain is associated with a qualifying institution and that the school’s email policies disallow non-student use of those emails, we can approve applicants using those domains faster. What proof do I need to submit for academic verification? The Pack is available to any student, 13 years or older, in any degree-granting program that isn’t restricted by the institution’s accreditation-regardless of your location. Who is eligible for the GitHub Student Developer Pack? That’s a great deal for students and an attractive target for bad actors. The current value of the collective offers in the Pack is over $12,000 per student. The better we make the Pack for students, the more we have to be aware of potential fraud. We want to make it as simple as possible for students anywhere to easily apply and go through the GitHub Student Developer Pack application process, while also keeping our commitment to sponsors to safeguard it from those who may take advantage of student offers. What documentation is required to join the GitHub Student Developer Pack? But what do you do if you’d like to apply, but your school doesn’t provide student email addresses or IDs? We don’t want you to miss out, so we also accept alternative documentation as long as it reflects your current student status. However, students whose schools don’t provide email addresses are able to apply for the Pack using their dated student ID. Most students apply for the Pack using their school-issued email address. The Pack is open to every student 13 years or older in a degree-granting program, and we’re committed to helping every student-no matter where you are. You can get ahead in your career and access the best developer tools used in the industry, for free, with the GitHub Student Developer Pack (the Pack).